Volunteer of the Month - November 2020
In times like these we need to continue to be grateful for all the things we have. At VOKRA, we’re extremely grateful for our hundreds of volunteers who dedicate their time each week to ensure the kitties in our care get everything they need and are adopted into loving furever homes. One of these dedicated volunteers is Ron Walker from the support and maintenance team at our Operations Centre.
This September, we’re very pleased to be honouring Ron as our Volunteer of the Month. Here he tells us in his own words why he volunteers with VOKRA:
Ron with Frosty
I decided to volunteer at VOKRA because I wanted some 'cat time' and to help out with animal welfare in general. My last cat, Frosty, passed on in 2016 and I was unsure about making another commitment at the time. I chose to apply at VOKRA because a previous acquaintance was a volunteer and recommended them.
I began volunteering at the Operations Centre in early 2019 on the Friday mid-day shift and still do that today. I like working at Ops because I am supporting the cat care shifts by ensuring they have the supplies to do their jobs for the cats at the Centre.
Adore and Cheri
I was also a foster for a short time but was not very good at it. I “foster failed" on my first attempt. I took in Adore and Cheri after the resident cat at their first foster didn’t adjust to their presence. Cheri had some minor improper urination issues that we worked on for about half a year to no avail. By then both had grown on me and I had come up with a workable solution to Cheri's problem, so I offered to adopt them. I am now also a VOKRA alumnus. I have to do laundry a little more frequently, but it is well worth it.
THANK YOU Ron for all the time and effort you put in at our Operations Centre! We very much appreciate your support!
As a volunteer-driven non-profit, we clearly couldn’t do what we do without our extremely dedicated and hardworking team of volunteers. Thank you to each and every one of you!
VOKRA’s always in need of volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering click here.