Happy Tails: Stormy and Jeanine
Stormy and Cali
In this month’s edition of Happy Tails we meet Stormy who was one of 3 kittens born to a feral momma cat that preferred to live outdoors. Stormy was adopted as a buddy kitty for older sister Cali.
Here adopter Jeanine tells us Stormy’s story.
Adoption story
Stormy, also known as Stormy Storms & Storm Bear is 4 years old and was adopted in June 2018. Stormy was one of 3 kittens born to a rather feral momma kitty, who was not very happy about being indoors. The 3 kittens were very social though, and enjoyed interacting with their foster parents and us as visitors.
When Jeanine met Stormy
Stormy was so sweet. He played with me quite quickly and when he got tired, fell asleep on the floor in front of me.
When he first came home, he was curious about everything. No matter what I was doing, he wanted to watch and see every detail of it. He was, and still is, a little Curious George.....whether I was cooking, putting on makeup, folding laundry or dusting.....he was right there, watching up close. I was amazed he wasn't trying to take notes lol..... He also talked a lot. Telling me long detailed stories.
I have another cat, Cali, who I adopted from the Coquitlam Animal Shelter. Right away, Stormy was very interested in interacting with her and followed her everywhere. Initially she wasn't sure about this. But Stormy was persistent and she decided he was okay. Now they can be seen sleeping on the bed together, or Stormy will steal her favourite sleeping spot when she's not looking. He's also added a lot of fun. He's very energetic, and we have play sessions a couple of times a day, where he always cracks me up.
What Stormy loves most
Stormy loves the cat lures that go with is toy. He's very possessive of some of them, including the bees, dragonflies and mice. He will put them in his mouth and growl at Cali and I to let us know that these are his, and we better stay away lol. Although I'm sure he thinks he does, he doesn't not look fierce when he's growing and I'm not sure how much he likes that I'm laughing at him. He will eat any and all treats, begging for them over his food at times, so we limit them to special occasions.
At night, Stormy sleeps in bed with me. He lies beside my stomach most of the time, except when it's hot when he lies on a blanket by my feet. He tries to wake me up at 5 am almost every day, but when I say it's too early, and ask him to please lie down, he actually does!
Why you chose to adopt, not shop
I believe there are lots of animals who deserve good homes who are available for adoption.
Want to share your Happy Tail? Email kotm@vokra.ca for information about how to share your kitty’s story.