Volunteers of the Month - April 2022
Emma & Marni (with Gimlet)
This month we’re celebrating Emma Michel and Marni Johnson, co-leads of our vaccination team. Our vaccination team’s responsible for ensuring all the kittens born in foster care are vaccinated. As team co-leads, Emma and Marni’s duties include scheduling foster home visits for our volunteer vaccinators and ensure each kitten’s records are updated quickly and accurately.
Here they tell us in their own words by they volunteer with VOKRA:
How did you start volunteering with VOKRA?
Emma: I heard about VOKRA from a friend who adopted two adorable kittens a few years ago. Since then, I've been following VOKRA on Facebook and I've always been so inspired by all the volunteers who dedicate so much time and love to helping the cats/kittens. After seeing so many amazing rescue stories, I knew I wanted to get involved in being a part of this wonderful team.
Gimlet & Talisker
Marni: I’ve had cats all my life and have been a fan of VOKRA for a long time. My first experience with VOKRA was more than 17 years ago when my husband and I adopted two gorgeous tabby kittens whom we named Talisker and Gimlet. Sadly, Talisker passed two years ago, but Gimlet is still with us and is the much-adored ruler of our household.
After I retired from work last summer, I wanted to devote a portion of my new-found free time doing volunteer work helping stray cats and kittens. VOKRA was an obvious choice! I wanted to be involved at a “grass roots” level so I was thrilled when I was invited to be a co-lead of the vaccination team working directly with vaccinators.
How long and in what capacity have you been volunteering?
Emma: I started volunteering in August 2021 as one of the vaccination team co-leads. So I'm still quite new to the VOKRA team, but I can't wait for all the new stories to come and maybe even some fostering in the future.
Marni: Together with my co-lead Emma, we arrange for vaccinators to visit fosters’ homes to give kittens their first vaccinations and follow-up booster shots on-time, and we ensure the kitten’s records are updated quickly and accurately. This helps adoptions to go forward without delay.
I started in my role in early August last year, during the height of kitten season. There were so many kittens to be vaccinated and given boosters, and it was incredibly busy. I was really grateful to the former team lead, Sarah, for the time she spent training me. Over the months, Emma and I have changed our processes to increase efficiency. We really value our vaccinators and want to make things as easy for them as possible, especially as we head into the busy kitten season.
What’s your favourite part of volunteering?
Emma: My favorite part about volunteering is seeing so many people with so many stories and backgrounds come together for one common goal of helping the kitties. Everyone who I've worked with here truly has such a big heart and makes volunteering such a great experience.
And of course, seeing pictures and hearing about the progress of all the kittens makes me so happy!
Marni: It’s hard to pick just one! It's rewarding to know what I’m doing makes a difference to the kittens in our care, helping ensure they’re healthy and find loving forever homes quickly. I recall the joy I felt as an adopter and I’m glad I can play a part in helping other adopters experience that same feeling.
I love working with such an outstanding team. Emma’s a fantastic partner and a delight to work with, as are the vaccinators, foster coordinators, medical team and everyone else at VOKRA. I’m inspired by their dedication, expertise and grace, especially during the really busy times. We’re all passionate about helping the kitties thrive and this makes the work easy and fun.
I’m also a life-long learner and through my work with VOKRA I’m expanding my knowledge of feline health and behaviour and using it to enrich my own kitty’s life.
Do you have a favourite kitty you’ve met or a favourite story from your time with VOKRA?
Emma: It's so hard to pick just one kitty, but a kitty who always stands out to me is BooBoo. BooBoo has cerebellar hypoplasia and he has been in VOKRA's care with an amazing foster for quite some time now. He’s so cute and our vaccinators have described him as a little wiggly and such a sweetheart. With BooBoo, you can see how much time, care and resources VOKRA invests to make sure he can live the best possible life and it makes me so happy he’s in the best hands.
Herding kittens!
Marni: I’m biased, but my favourite VOKRA kitties are Gimlet and Talisker! They’ve brought such joy, laughter and love into our lives. Even at 17, Gimlet still acts like a kitten at times.
My favourite volunteer experience was when two pregnant moms were being fostered together and they each had large litters, resulting in 15 kitties to be vaccinated in one evening. We paired up two vaccinators who embraced the challenge and successfully “herded cats” and vaccinated the lot! There were lots of virtual high-fives over that one!
Here’s what Michelle Avina, volunteer recruitment team lead, has to say about Emma and Marni:
“Emma and Marni area amazing team leads! They’re super proactive when it comes to their team, reaching out to the recruitment team for volunteers and creating a whole new volunteer role to help with organization and efficiency. Their kindness and ability to rise to the challenge make them a great addition to the VOKRA team.”
And Meena Puhl, volunteer recruitment coordinator, adds:
“Marni and Emma have been amazing additions to the vaccinations team! Even though they began their team lead positions in the middle of the pandemic, they jumped right into their roles and have done an incredible job running the team. The initiative and organization they have demonstrated is truly admirable!”
THANK YOU Emma and Marni for your dedication and all the time you spend ensuring the kitties in our care remain healthy and go on to live their best lives!
As a volunteer-driven non-profit, we clearly couldn’t do what we do without our extremely dedicated and hardworking team of volunteers. Thank you to each and every one of you!
VOKRA’s always in need of volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering click here.