Puccina’s Special Purrsonality
Puccina’s a special 2-year-old girl who came into VOKRA’s care as a kitten in November 2020 after she was found living in a community garden. Due to her rough start in life, she’s quite shy, but also curious about the world.
Since Puccina arrived in our care, we’ve been working to relieve her anxiety, improve her socialization skills and sort out her Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
Due to her anxiety, Puccina can react internally and behaviourally when stressed, which can lead to an IBD flare up or her peeing outside the litter box. Being on a special diet and medications help to keep her stress levels to a minimum. She’s a healthy eater and is always eager for more and, as she’s food motivated, she’ll inevitably fall in love with whoever’s feeding her.
Puccina when she was first rescued as a kitten.
She’s a loving girl with the sweetest meow and she’ll always let you know when it’s time for pets. Happy to spend time with those she’s comfortable around, Puccina will join them on the couch or just be in the same room quietly doing her own thing. She enjoys chasing rolling toys and hunting for a stick moving under a blanket. She also likes to sit at the window and chatter to the birds as they fly by.
As Puccina’s shy around strangers and is nervous around sudden movements and loud noises, predictability is valued. This is why she’s looking for a patient adopter who’ll continue to work with her special personality and who understands her need for space and hiding spots as she adjusts to her new home. Puccina’s enjoyed playing with a friendly calm cat buddy in the past, but she’d be just as happy to have you all to herself.
If you think you have the purrfect home for Puccina, apply to adopt her today.
Caring for a cat with special behavioural and/or medical needs
Special needs cats are beautiful, loving animals who deserve to be adopted. It can take months, or even years, before special needs cats find their fur-ever home as they can be passed over because of their diversity. Cats who need adopting the most are often the ones who don’t look or act like other cats.
All kitties deserve a good home where they can be cared for so they can enjoy their lives fully, with owners who dedicate themselves to giving their cats lots of love and support. Adopting a special needs cat is a fulfilling, unique experience.
Things to consider when adopting cats with special needs:
See beyond the disability - Cats with special needs have the same desire to live in a relaxing, playful, safe environment as other animals. Treat your pet like the cat she is and not as something different. Look beyond the disability to see their beautiful and unique personality.
Patience is key - Be patient while your kitty gets used to you and adjusts to their new environment. It takes time for animals to build trust, but with time, patience and love, your special needs cat will turn to you for support.
Learn something new - With help from VOKRA, you’ll be taught to understand your cat’s special needs and how you can make life easier for them. There’s no quicker way to become an expert in animal anxiety or diabetes than to have a cat with it. Something that seems daunting often ends up being easy to manage!
It can be a time commitment - that is worth it! Some special needs cats require more attention and effort than others and might require extra measures like providing specific food or giving regular baths, but they reward you with love and appreciation.
Creating a special space in your home - Depending on physical limitations, you may need to keep food, litter boxes and other amenities in close proximity to each other. Moving furniture or decluttering may be initially necessary to create clear paths for your special needs kitty. It’s important to keep the set up in your home consistent to avoid causing confusion or stress.
Calm environment - A chaotic environment may make your kitty’s life more stressful. Small children and other pets may not be able to provide that environment, so consider carefully before adopting.
Reliable transportation - Some special needs cats require frequent trips to the vet, so having a reliable and safe way to transport them is important.
Special needs cats can be a better alternative to a kitten - Kittens are unpredictable and full of energy, while an adult cat has already developed its personality.
Change a cat’s life - Most special needs cats require devoted care which they can only get in a home environment. By bringing one of these cats into your home and providing for all of their needs, you’ll change their life for the better.
Excellent cuddle buddies - Cats have a longer attention span than kittens, so a cuddle session on the couch could be exactly what they need. They’re also better at reading your emotions and will know when you need some extra affection too.
Special needs animals will appreciate you all the more for giving them a stable and loving environment. If you are interested in adopting Puccina, or another special needs cats, please visit vokra.ca/adopt to apply.