Volunteer of the Month - August 2022
This month we’re celebrating Ella Wong, a volunteer whose bright energy and friendly demeanor makes her a valued member of our reception team, as well as a wonderful foster.
Here Ella tells us in her own words why she volunteers with VOKRA:
How did you start volunteering with VOKRA?
I started volunteering with VOKRA in January 2019. I’d recently moved into the neighbourhood and noticed the Operations Centre, then saw on VOKRA’s website there were volunteer opportunities available. My resident cat is a senior and she's always lived on her own, so it would be too stressful for her for us to adopt another cat, but by volunteering as a receptionist I get to meet lots of cats each week!
When I moved last year, I had enough room available in my new home to be able to keep foster cats in a separate space and was happy to be able to take some VOKRA kitties home with me too!
Ella with her senior kitty Lexi
What’s your favourite part of volunteering?
I love being able to use some of my time each week to help cats (and their people) who need it. Whether that's supporting low-income community members with food or litter, assisting in the paperwork and intake process for cats arriving at the Operations Centre or handing out supplies to our fosters, those few hours each week feel like time well spent. It doesn't hurt that I also get to meet and interact with cats and kittens as they come through the Ops Centre and hear about some of their happy endings when they’re adopted!
I've learned a lot from the Ops Centre team while volunteering, especially about working with shy and scared cats. It’s amazing to see how a cat can change and become more comfortable around people with patience and time. Fostering shy kittens and getting them to the point where they run over to greet you and want to be petted and sit on your lap after being afraid to be seen by you initially is so rewarding
The chocolate bar kittens
Do you have a favourite kitty(s) you have met during your time with VOKRA?
I recently fostered a group of young kittens (all named after chocolate bars) from five weeks old until they were ready for adoption. There’s nothing better than a never-ending supply of kittens waiting to snuggle with you when you’re working from home! It was hard to say goodbye to them, but they've all been adopted to wonderful homes where other families can't wait to cuddle with them.
Here's what reception team lead Monique has to say about Ella:
Ella with the chocolate bar kittens
“Ella came to our team in late December 2018, which is very fitting as she’s been such a gift! I still remember our first training session and how much love she showed the kitties on our tour around the Ops Centre. She’s always there to help us out - toggling between two shifts at one point and volunteering to come in for others’ absences. I’ve especially appreciated the help she has given on Sundays over the years, which has always been one of our most challenging days at reception. I know it’s been so helpful for the Sunday team to have Ella taking care of things. I can always count on her tact and patience with fosters and the public, and her engagement with our team. Thank you so much for everything you do, Ella!”
And rescue centre coordinator Jennine adds this about Ella:
“Ella's bright energy and friendly demeanor makes her a star receptionist at our Ops Centre. She's always ahead of the game and thinking ahead, which makes working with her on Sunday afternoons such a joy (she’s often my second brain!) Her interactions with our fosters and the public are always cheerful, she's constantly on top of the various tasks that need to be done and, whenever there's some down time, you'll find her giving much needed love and attention to the kitties currently being housed at Ops. She also fosters for us and we very much appreciate the time and effort she puts in to making sure our cats are ready for adoption.”
THANK YOU Ella for all the time and effort you spend with assisting the Operations Centre team, as well as everyone who stops by Ops. We very much appreciate all your care and attention!
As a volunteer-driven non-profit, we clearly couldn’t do what we do without our extremely dedicated and hardworking team of volunteers. Thank you to each and every one of you!
VOKRA’s always in need of volunteer receptionists. If you’re interested in volunteering click here.