Global News interview with Karen Duncan Co-Founder of Vokra

At the moment , we have 402 cats and kittens in our care.  Most in foster homes and 20 at our intake building. The grey kittens were brought to be on TV as they are easier to wrangle, but the majority of our cats are adults. 

The kittens were found by our trappers when they responded to a call for help where there were over 25 cats. They were under 2 weeks old and were found out in the open suffering from cold, dehydration and starvation. Through intensive care they survived. 

We are often asked if we get government funding. Apart from receiving a $44,000 gaming grant once a year, no we do not.  To put in perspective, one month of vet bills can be $50,000. We pay out much more for the care of our cats than what is brought in, in adoption fees. 

Our organization has always kept going due to our wonderful volunteers. We have so many people in our teams:  foster, adoption, trapping, medical, catcare at our building, media, and many more.  Their unwavering commitment is what enables us to continue our mission and provide a better life for these cats in need.