Planned Giving
No one wants to prepare for an unexpected tragedy, but if something happens who will take care of your cats? Download a VOKRA Continual Cat Care Provisions Sheet and please consider leaving a legacy to VOKRA to ensure we can provide the best care possible for cats in need for many years to come.
The best reason to plan a gift
By making a gift to VOKRA through your will, trust or other financial plan, you can help save cats now and into the future.
When you incorporate charitable giving in your estate planning, you gain personal satisfaction — not only by completing your plan, but also by providing for the people and charities that matter most to you.
Planned giving options
In addition to the satisfaction that comes from contributing to the future of VOKRA, you can often achieve significant tax and estate planning benefits.
There are a number of options available. Your lawyer, accountant or financial planner can help you decide which option(s) will work best for you and your family.
Ways to leave a legacy
Bequest (Specific, Residual, Contingent)
Publicly Listed Securities
Life Insurance
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
Registred Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Residual interest
Real estate
Wording for your will to leave a bequest
Specific Bequest:
“I give to the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association, Vancouver, BC, charitable registration number 86023 4467 RR0001, the sum of $______ in support of the cats in their care.”
Residual Bequest:
“I give to the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association, Vancouver, BC, charitable registration number 86023 4467 RR0001, __% of the residue of my estate in support of the cats in their care.”
I thought only people at certain income levels could leave a charitable bequest or gift through their estate?
You don’t have to be “wealthy” to plan a gift. Anyone can arrange to leave a charitable gift from their estate, regardless of its size. Even the smallest of gifts can mean a great deal to us.
Who can help me arrange a gift to VOKRA?
Your financial planner, lawyer, accountant or life insurance agent can help you leave a gift. These professionals can tell you all about tax benefits of planned gifts.
How do I leave a gift in memory of a person or for a specific purpose?
A charitable gift is a meaningful way to recognize someone who has made a difference in your life. You may also want to give to a specific cause, such as our Operations Centre, veterinarian bills or Trap-Neuter-Return program. These kinds of memorial gifts can be arranged in your will. You will need to specify the gift be given in memory of a particular person or for a specific use.
Do I have to include my wish to leave a gift to VOKRA in my will?
A charitable bequest will not take effect unless you state your intention in your will. Without a will, you lose control over your property after death. Your property and finances are settled according to federal and provincial laws, whether or not they coincide with your wishes or those of your family.
Do I tell VOKRA that I am leaving a gift?
That is entirely up to you. We would like to know in advance so we can recognize your generosity and express our gratitude. If you wish your gift to remain anonymous, your request will be honoured. If you let us know about your gift ahead of time it helps us honour your wishes:
Why you are making the gift
Your intentions for the gift
The way you wish to be acknowledged or if you wish to remain anonymous
Have additional questions or want to learn more? Email us at