Remembering Valerie
On March 12, 2020, the VOKRA family lost a dear friend and long-time volunteer - Valerie McBride.
Valerie began volunteering with us more than 10 years ago and her contributions have covered every aspect of VOKRA life. Never one to take center stage, Valerie was known for her compassion and her ability to encourage, support and appreciate everyone. We won't forget Valerie's signature laugh, positive outlook and genuine love of life.
Here some of Valerie’s VOKRA family share their memories of her:
More than 10 years ago, and before we joined VOKRA, Valerie and I volunteered at a District Shelter doing Cat Care. After our shift we would spend extra time with the cats. Valerie loved them all. Her devotion and compassion for the cats never waivered. She always used to say, “It’s all about the cats, Joe”. During that time Valerie and I became close friends. Valerie would also go on to make many new friends and she became an integral part of the VOKRA family.
A philosophy both Valerie and Charis shared
I wish I had one story to sum up how great Valerie was, but there are too many and I can only think of little details that I will miss and treasure: the laughing at silly things, the exchange of emails with cartoons, photos and little sayings, the tough love talks while sitting having a coffee, the quirky jokes, the serious discussions, the trust and understanding, the hugs and the tears. When it comes to the memory of Valerie I will always, “Savour the moments that are warm and special and giggly”.
Charis Kalesnikoff, aka Joe
I have known and worked with Valerie for the past 10 years in so many aspects of VOKRA’s work because she was involved in so many ways.
Valerie always had a smile and a hug for everyone she met. She cared so much about each and every cat. My best memories are of Valerie giving children tours of our building. These children raised money for the cats in the most endearing simple ways . Lemonade stands and birthday money. The children would hand the money to Valerie and she’d proudly introduce them to all the cats at our Operation Centre and how them how much their money would help.
Valerie was always so modest and humble saying what she did as a volunteer didn’t need thanks . I would always thank her and she’d just blush as she always did.
I would come into work and often find a new jacket or sweater on my desk from Valerie. She’d say “just a little something for you Maria”.
All of us are family and I have lost a family member. Valerie you will always be in my heart and soul . It is a privilege to have had you in my life .
Maria Soroski
I have so many “Valerie” stories that I don’t know where to begin. She epitomized a warm, caring woman deeply interested in other people and selflessly offering to help wherever she could. She always made a point of asking others how they were doing and following up to ensure that they are okay. I was on Valerie’s “watch list” and I appreciate all the times she reached out to me to see if I was okay – even when she was sick herself. She was also an extremely private person so she kept her own health situation very quiet. While I knew she was sick and had the broad information about her treatments, I didn’t understand the seriousness of her health crisis. I was devastated to hear of her passing. It was far too soon and I wish I could have done more for her.
Cinnabar happy in her forever home
Valerie loved working with VOKRA. She was there when we took in Cinnabar. This poor little long-haired girl was found in a field, completely matted with a nasty tail infection. Valerie spend hours cradling Cinnabar in her arms and reassuring her that things would be okay. Cinnabar ended up purring and enduring the painful shaving of all her matts and treatment for her tail. Over time, she recovered fully and was adopted to a wonderful family. I am 100% sure that Valerie spending time with her built her sense of safety and helped in her recovery. That was just typical for Valerie.
She was the first to offer help and actively avoided being thanked for her contributions.
Valerie was also a part of a group of VOKRA ladies that got together for afternoon tea about every couple of months. This was always good for lively debate and we would solve the problems of the world at those teas. I can’t believe I won’t be able to have afternoon tea with her again. We used to rate the tea places on a scale of 1-5 teacups. Valerie, to me you will always be a 10 teacup person.
So many possible stories to tell, but a common theme. Valerie was genuinely interested in other people and making their lives better. She was my friend and I miss her desperately.
P.S. She totally agreed that Idris Elba should be the next James Bond.
Alannah Hall
If you have a special memory or story about Valerie you’d like to tell please share it below.
In the future, VOKRA will hold a gathering to celebrate Valerie’s life and friendship and we’ll let everyone know when plans have been made. In the meantime, if you would like to honour Valerie by making a donation you can do so here.