Volunteer of the Month - January 2021
photo courtesy of Kathy Datsky
2020 was a challenging year and we couldn’t have made it through without our hundreds of dedicated volunteers. Just like other organizations, we’ve had to significantly adjust the way we do things, which meant lots of changes at our Operations Centre. One of the people who has helped us all along the way is Julie Zhu, a volunteer receptionist. This month we’re celebrating Julie and the enthusiasm she brings each week to VOKRA.
Here Julie tells us in her own words why she volunteers wit VOKRA:
How did you start volunteering with VOKRA?
Honestly it stemmed from me always wanting a cat/dog growing up (with parents not allowing it at the time), which then lead me to want to interact and learn more about animals. School, work and life in general was also giving me so much stress, so I wanted to add something in my life that didn’t feel obligatory. I thought it was a great idea to volunteer somewhere where I could help care for animals (a.k.a. free animal therapy!). At first I was looking for dog shelters, but there weren’t any in Vancouver for people without any experience and, after coming across VOKRA, I thought it was a great organization and didn’t hesitate to apply. I was orientated by Sam, and continuously guided by Monique, then the rest is history!
How long and in what capacity have you been volunteering?
I started volunteering in the summer of 2017, so it’s been about three and a half years now (and counting!). I had applied to join the Cat Care team, but I believe at the time they had more than enough people and needed volunteers in other areas, so I chose to join Reception. I feel like it turned out to be quite fitting for me as I do love tidying, organizing, filing, etc., so my weekly VOKRA shifts have truly become therapeutic for me. What’s funny is that I get more organizing done at VOKRA than I do at my own house! What’s also the absolute best is that I get lots of time to say hello to the cats at staying at Ops and spoil them with chin rubs… until the doorbell rings.
And about a month ago, I completed my application to become a foster. I took my time at first with my VOKRA shifts to really observe cat behaviour so I could be better at handling one when the time comes. I also get to meet and see all the different wonderful types of cats there are. So now I'm ready to finally foster my first one, or two (or more)!
What’s your favourite part of volunteering?
photo courtesy of Kathy Datsky
Here’s a list of a few of my favourite things:
Updating the computer when an order gets picked up, then archiving it. Poof! Done!
Watering/pruning the plants at the front desk (I am also a crazy houseplant mom).
Checking the phone line messages, but there’s no messages.
Feeling like an efficient, powerful industrial machine when making more variety boxes.
Sneaking off to hang out with any cats that need socializing during my shift.
Do you have a favourite kitty you’ve met or a favourite story from your time with VOKRA?
The beloved Spring & Hamburglar duo I met in September 2018. I truly loved every cat I encountered at VOKRA, but of course we can’t help but feel attached to the especially affectionate and friendly ones you encounter in your life. So I’ve gotten used to coming in to a VOKRA shift and noticing that the cats I’d socialized with for a couple of consecutive weeks have now gone to foster, however Spring & Hamburglar will be a pair I will never, ever forget and hold a special place in my heart. Perhaps it was how tiny Spring would instantly crawl into my lap when I sat down every time, or how silly Hamburglar would plop down beside me and was the first cat that I truly trusted to play with (without staying alert and watching out to not get scratched) because he gave me the softest play bites and most gentle paws. They also were there for me during a particularly hard time in my life and I just know that they could feel my emotions (I am certain they could read my mind) and gave me lots of cuddles and love to make me feel better. I have tons of pictures and videos on my phone to reminisce of our time together. I hope Spring is in bliss up in Kitty Heaven and Hamburglar is having the time of his life in his fur-ever home!
I’d just like to thank VOKRA for giving me the amazing experience to work at a kitty rescue centre as I have learned so much about cats, and met so many kind, generous people. It feels amazing being a part of a great community and I never get tired of prepping for a cat to go out to foster, making endless yummy treat bags and updating a cat’s profile in the system as “Adopted.” One day, I would absolutely love to adopt at least one black kitty from VOKRA! I’ve already thought up of some names.
THANK YOU Julie for all the time and effort you put in at our Operations Centre! We very much appreciate your support and dedication!
As a volunteer-driven non-profit, we clearly couldn’t do what we do without our extremely dedicated and hardworking team of volunteers. Thank you to each and every one of you!
VOKRA’s always in need of volunteers and we have many positions you can do from home. If you’re interested in volunteering click here.