Volunteers of the Month - October 2021
This time of year is for giving thanks and we couldn’t be more thankful for the hundreds of volunteers and fosters who are involved in our organization. These dedicated folks give their time to ensure the kitties in our care get everything they need and are adopted into loving furever homes. Two of these dedicated people are Nicole Valade and her young neighbour Avery Chan, who volunteer at our Operations Centre where they make an awesome cat care duo.
This October, we’re very pleased to be honouring Nicole and Avery as our Volunteers of the Month. Here Nicole tells us in her own words why she and Avery volunteer with VOKRA:
How did you start volunteering with VOKRA?
I started volunteering at VOKRA when I moved here from Calgary in May 2018. I’ve been volunteering for cat shelters since 2010 so when I moved to Vancouver I, of course, had to find a cat rescue organization and VOKRA and I found each other. Avery, my neighbour's daughter, loves cats, so in 2019 I asked if she could come and volunteer with me. Avery has been my sidekick at VOKRA ever since. Like many volunteers, Avery had to take a break during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the dynamic duo is now back at Ops on Sunday mornings.
How long and in what capacity(s) have you been volunteering?
I have been volunteering with VOKRA for three years, but I’ve been a volunteer for cat shelters since 2010. Avery has been volunteering since 2019. Avery and I are cat care volunteers at VOKRA’s Operations Centre on Sunday mornings. We check on the cats waiting for foster homes or undergoing medical or behavioural assessment, feed them, change their litter and bedding if needed, clean their enclosures and, when time allows, spend time socializing and playing with them.
I have also helped out with a number of VOKRA fundraising events and take care of the centre’s recycling on a weekly basis.
What’s your favourite part of volunteering?
Our favourite part of volunteering is taking care of the cats at the Ops Centre, especially the scared semi-feral ones. Our least favourite part is, just like at home, doing the dishes, but they have to get done!
Do you have a favourite kitty you have met or a favourite story from your time with VOKRA?
Avery and I discussed this question and hands down our vote is for long term Ops Centre resident Tinka. She’s sweet and can be sassy at times. We love it when she gets a lion cut to help manage her very fluffy coat.
Here’s what Angie Kelly, cat care team lead, has to say about Nicole and Avery:
"Nicole is a dedicated volunteer who’s brought a lifetime's worth of rescue experience to VOKRA. A team player with a great sense of humour, she’s always up for extra duties and helping around Ops. She’s not afraid to take on heavy lifting or challenging cats. Both Nicole and Avery just do everything well with no complaints. They’re real assets to VOKRA.”
And Shelley Dowson, VOKRA board member, describes Avery as an enthusiastic and hard worker, “She loves the kitties and is committed to helping them in any way she can. We hope she’ll be with us as a VOKRA volunteer for many years to come.”
THANK YOU Nicole and Avery for all the time and effort you put into taking care of the kitties at Ops! We appreciate all your hard work!
As a volunteer-driven non-profit, we clearly couldn’t do what we do without our extremely dedicated and hardworking team of volunteers. Thank you to each and every one of you!
VOKRA’s always in need of volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering click here.
Although we’re unable to accept young volunteers wishing to work independently with kitties at our Operations Centre, we love it when opportunities like this partnership enable their participation. Many of our young volunteers are also active with fundraising initiatives.