Happy Tails: Sable & Monkee and Jeanine & Cameron
In this month’s Happy Tails, we revisit a pair of kitties that were featured on the VOKRA blog back in 2019, and who prove that our differences are what make us special.
Sable and Monkee, formerly Kiyon & Lucy, were attacked by a raccoon before being rescued by VOKRA, but have found a very special forever home where they are treasured.
Adoption Story
Silver Sable, also known as Momma Cat, is 5 ½ and her daughter Monkee is 4 ½.
We heard their story, that they had been attacked by raccoons, and that the rest of the litter didn't survive. Momma Cat had PTSD as a result and you couldn't pet her, and Monkee's poor little paw was partially amputated/chewed off. They were a broken pair and most people don't want to adopt a cat they can't pick up or pet. My adult son has autism and when he saw their story on the VOKRA website, he turned to me and said "I love that they are a little different, just like us. Can we love them please?"
When Jeanine & Cameron met Momma & Monkee
Momma was hiding under furniture and just a pair of eyeballs. My son laid on the floor quietly and patiently waited. He gently stroked her head and announced her fur was soft as Sable and that's what we named her. Monkee is the spotlight stealer. She is fearless and into everything! Nothing slows her down, not even her partial paw. She was so cute and sweet and a silly little Monkee and aptly named. When they first came home, Momma Cat just hid all the time. We honestly wouldn't know we had a second cat except for the empty food dish. It took 6 months to coax her out into the open but we never gave up. We just loved her patiently until she was ready to be loved by us. Monkee was all up and down the 4 level townhouse exploring but every time her Momma meowed in fear, Monkee ran back down to underneath the sofa to check on her. Both of them have melted our hearts with joy. We talk in silly voices and call them silly names like Scruffins McLovins or Smeebler Elf, Chubbins, etc.
Momma still won't let us pick her up or sit on our lap but she will lie wedged up beside my leg every night and Monkee makes sweet little chirruping sounds as if she is talking to you. Every morning right at 7:00 a.m. Momma comes into my room and puts her paws on my bed frame to stand up and makes a soft mew to wake me for her breakfast. So gentle and sweet. When the kibble bag opens up, Monkee will leap over her Momma like she is an Olympic hurdler to be the first to the food dishes. It's so funny! Momma always squats to the ground with a look on her face like what was that?! We pet them so much that they get all drooly and snuggle our hands for more. Little toe beans air kneading so cute. Eeiig! We love that Momma has healed enough to demand pets from us with a meow.
What Monkee & Momma love the most
Monkee has a catnip filled Banana she rolls around on. Momma has a black sparkly ball she chases around at night while we sleep. Every morning we find it at the bottom of the stairs in front of the door.
Sable & Monkee getting in some snuggles
Monkee has recently taken to throwing herself down into a full centerfold pose, belly up, legs stretched out. Momma Cat does a lap around the living room each night while doing a strange stretching one back leg in a Monty python funny walk. You can almost see her thought bubble saying "nothing to see here, just taking a moment to stretch as I assess the surroundings" for danger/airborne Monkee cat. Monkee has become my son's spirit animal or his "familiar". They seem to understand each other. She follows him everywhere and rides on his shoulders while he does stuff around the house. Both cats' sweet little purrs and cuddles provided so much comfort and stress reduction during isolation during the pandemic. They are family and truly the loves of our lives!! They also seem to be relaxed and smile at us, like the love is reciprocal.
Why you chose to adopt, not shop
My sister is a special constable with the cruelty investigation department of the SPCA and she always encourages forever homes from rescue agencies. She wants us to save them all!
Want to share your Happy Tail? Email kotm@vokra.ca for information about how to share your kitty’s story.