Happy Tails Blog - Augie
Augie enjoying a nap.
In this installment of Happy Tails, Matthew tells us the story of how he came to adopt Augustus aka. Augie, a stray cat that was rescued by Maria, VOKRA co-founder & trapper extraordinaire, after he was discovered under the Granville bridge living in dire condition.
Augie saying “Hello”.
According to Maria, who rescued Augie, he was discovered in bad health, with unclean hair, unneutered, and suffering from a serious ear infection that impairs his balance. Immediate veterinarian examination showed a serious inner ear infection that required medicines. Despite treatment, his balance concerns continued, seeking specialized visits and long-term care. His recovery was gradual but consistent, and in the protected foster home, his genuine loving personality emerged. He bonded with his caregivers and revealed himself as a loving and affectionate cat when his health difficulties were resolved. During the pandemic, my wife and I experienced a devastating loss when our two-and-a-half-year-old cat Roland, whom we had adopted from VOKRA, died unexpectedly of cancer. Roland and our other cat, Charlie, were really close. This left Charlie very heartbroken. The VOKRA team, familiar with our story and knowing our situation, suggested Augustus (Augie) as a new addition to our family. Augie resembled Roland, and everything fell into place for him to join us.
Augie - protector of the bed.
How was the initial meeting with Augie?
We first met Augie during a virtual meeting and immediately saw how awesome he is. When he was brought to our home for the first time, he was unsure about everything, including our other cat, Charlie, and the new environment, so he hid for a while. But we knew he’d warm up eventually! Considering everything, Augie adjusted well. Though he had an accident behind the couch, likely due to anxiety, he quickly warmed up after that. The adoption process was very quick. Augie quickly adjusted to his new surroundings, exhibiting typical behavior after four days without the need for a gradual introduction. He was first cautious to explore the outside, particularly the patio, due to worries based on previous encounters. He eventually relaxed and began to appreciate the outdoor environment.
Augie shows off expert level lounge skills.
What Augie loves the most
Augie enjoys playfully wrestling his brother, Charlie and chasing each other around the house. However, both of them do have a soft side as they frequently cuddle and groom each other. Occasionally, their play fighting can become too intense, which my wife and I have to give them timeouts. Additionally, We frequently see him tossing his small mouse toy around or rolling a ball down the hallway. He adores playing hide-and-seek with Charlie and his toys, and
crinkly papers and toys offer him great delight! Oh! This is the best part! He enjoys eating and expresses his gratitude at meals. Augie puts on a charming performance in the kitchen while we prepare his dinner. He stands on his hind legs and raises a paw in the air, just like the good fortune cat statues. He
also does incredible barrel rolls, resembling a little fighter jet, rolling along the floor and looking up for applause. Curiously, he only performs these rolls in our bathroom! Interestingly, he does not appear to perceive people’s food as food, even when we serve him a small portion of what we are eating.He’s truly the best, and given his difficult history, we feel honored every time he shows us his love and trust. He gives the best head bonks I’ve ever experienced.
Augie is always on the lookout.
Why Adopt?
We are thrilled to welcome another feline into our family. Unfortunately, Charlie lost his previous best buddy to cancer. However, it didn’t take long for him and August to become inseparable.In many ways, having two cats is easier than having one, aside from managing the litter box. They keep each other company and take care of one another. Occasionally, we have to separate them when their wrestling matches get too intense, but overall, they are a great pair.
Augie thanks you for reading about his story.
Impact of community vigilance
Despite the emotional toll, saving Augie resulted in tremendous rewards, demonstrating the value of community awareness and compassion in animal rescue. The partnership between the rescuer, foster caretakers, veterinary specialists, and adopters like Matthew demonstrates the critical support structure for healing stray and wounded animals. Augie’s tale, which is shared on alumni Facebook sites, continues to inspire and remind the community of their vital part in these rescues. Join us to make a difference! Your support and involvement are crucial in continuing our mission. Please consider volunteering, fostering, or donating to help us rescue and rehabilitate other animals like Augie. Visit our website or email us to find out how you can help. Together, we can make more happy endings for our feline friends!